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Growing Tomatoes Indoors

Limited outdoor growing space or cold winters may have you missing garden fresh tomatoes. Make this the winter you try growing a tomato indoors.

You’ll probably need to start your plants from seeds. Consider growing one of the many small-scale tomato varieties that require less space and increase your chance of success.

Grow small plants in 1- to 2-gallon pots and larger varieties in 3- to 5-gallon size containers. Use a pot with drainage holes, fill with a quality potting mix and place your plant in a south- or west-facing window. And consider supplementing with artificial lights.

Water thoroughly when the top few inches of soil begin to dry. Fertilize with a slow release or dilute solution of a flowering houseplant fertilizer according to label directions.

And once flowers form, lightly shake the stem to aid in pollination.

A bit more information:  Consider growing one of the compact All-America Selections winners such as Patio Choice Yellow, Lizzano and Torenzo tomatoes. Tiny Tim and Micro tomatoes are two additional small-scale tomatoes you may want to try.