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Value of Trees

Plant a tree and improve your mood, save money and improve the environment.

Many of us have fond memories of climbing up the branches of or picnicking beneath a tree.  Or feeling the calming effect of viewing a natural tree filled vista as we leave the city or rush hour traffic.

Trees also improve the environment.  One tree can remove up to 26 pounds of CO2 from the air.  That’s equivalent to car emissions produced when driving 11,000 miles.  And that beautiful vista of trees?  An acre of trees can produce enough oxygen to support 18 people, remove dust, particulates, and pollutants and reduce storm water runoff.

Consider planting trees on the east and west side of your house to conserve energy.  Or create a windbreak of evergreens.  Properly placed trees can reduce heating and cooling costs by as much as 30%. 

A bit more information:  No room to plant trees?  Then support your local parks and municipalities with tree planting programs.  Community efforts help improve the environment for all residents, while increasing the value of your property.