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Monitor and Adjust Tree Care

Improve the health and longevity of your trees and shrubs with a bit of preventative care.

Take a few minutes to walk through your landscape to uncover any maintenance practices that may be harming your plants.

Pull mulch away from the trunks of trees and off the crowns of shrubs.  Check new plantings and remove any labels, twine, wire, or other material that can eventually girdle the trunk or branches of the trees.

Inspect all trees for trunk damage and consider expanding the planting and mulch beds to protect them from weed whips and lawn mowers.

Watch for early signs of fall. Construction damage, root rot, deep planting, girdling roots, and decline can cause all or part of your tree to turn fall color prematurely. 

Proper watering and mulching is the best thing you can do to keep your trees healthy. Consult a certified arborist for help diagnosing and treating distressed trees.

A bit more information:  Look for qualified tree care professionals (arborists) when looking for expert advice.  Ask for referrals from friends and relatives.  Then evaluate the company’s qualifications and make sure they have insurance.  Quality companies will belong to professional organizations like the International Society of Arboriculture and Tree Care Industry Association.  Ask about their staff’s education, training, professional development, and certifications.