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DIY Tree Watering Device

Be sure to keep your most expensive living landscape investment thriving for years to come.  Properly water and mulch your trees for their health and longevity. 

Water new plantings thoroughly and often enough to keep the root ball and surrounding soil moist.  Check newly planted trees growing in well-drained soils twice a week and those in heavy clay soils once a week. Water thoroughly whenever the top 4 to 6 inches of soil are crumbly and slightly moist.

And don’t forget about your established trees that will benefit from a thorough watering during dry periods.

You can make your job easier, while giving old 5 gallon buckets a second life.   Drill several ¼ inch diameter holes into the bottom of the bucket.  Fill with water and place within the dripline of your trees.  Most trees, especially new plantings, benefit from 10 gallons of water per week for each one inch diameter of the trunk. 

And don’t forget to mulch.

A bit more information: Even more buckets? Convert discarded five gallon buckets into plant markers.  Cut the sides and bottom into long narrow strips.  Write the plant name on the plastic strip with a permanent marker.  The heavy duty labels will withstand weather.  Bury half or more of the marker in the ground as you plant your garden, discouraging curious animals and children from digging them up and moving them around.