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Amber Jubilee Ninebark

Looking for outstanding color and durability in your landscape?  Consider adding one or more Amber Jubilee® ninebarks. 

The leaves are a blend of lime-green mature growth and shades of yellow and orange on new growth in summer with all the leaves turning red and purple in fall.  The colorful foliage is the result of crossing the purple leaf ‘Diablo’ with yellow leaf ‘Dart's Gold’ ninebarks.

This new ninebark is less susceptible to powdery mildew and grows about 5 to 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide.  It looks great in small groupings or large masses, making it useful for hedges, mixed borders and low screens. 

Grow this in full sunshine for the best color.  It tolerates a wide range of soils, but prefers good drainage and is drought tolerant once established.

This Canadian introduction is hardy on zones 2 through 7.

A bit more information:  This ninebark was named for Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee. For more details, insight from plant experts on Amber Jubilee visit Bailey Nurseries.