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Celebrate Earth Day – Everyday

Make everyday Earth Day and commit to managing your landscape and gardens in tune with nature. 

Working with nature means less work for you in the long run, a better looking landscape and more produce from your gardens.  Prepare a good foundation for your plants by incorporating organic matter such as compost into the top 6 to 12 inches of soil.  It improves drainage in heavy soil and increases the water-holding ability of sandy soil.

Then, select the right plant for the growing conditions.  Make sure the plants you purchase are low maintenance, suited to your gardening style, and will fit the available space when mature.  And choose the most disease and insect resistant varieties available.  You’ll avoid problems and minimize, if not eliminate, the need to manage these problems.

Recycle fall leaves and evergreen needles into moisture-conserving, weed-suppressing mulch. Once established, your plants will need minimal care.

A bit more information:  For more ideas see my Five Easy Steps to a Low Maintenance, Eco Friendly Landscape video.  You’ll find tips on being water-wise, making compost and more.