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Pull Now – Benefit Later; Controlling Ragweed

Give your hayfever a break this season.  Celebrate National Ragweed Control Month by removing these unwanted weeds before they flower. 

You, like me, may be one of the many people that suffer from hayfever.  And most cases are caused by ragweed.  Pulling this weed now, before the offensive pollen forms will not only help our allergies this season, but will also reduce next year’s crop of these weeds.

Ragweed has dissected leaves on plants that can grow from one to three or more feet tall.  The small green flowers often go unnoticed.  You’ll find these plants in gardens, along roadsides, alleys and any disturbed, dry and other difficult areas where it can outcompete desirable plants. 

Most of us keep the weeds under control in our yards and gardens. Many communities have weed outs for invasive plants and might be willing to add this to their list.

A bit more information: Enlist the help of friends and neighbors.  Scour alleys, common ways and other disturbed sites where ragweed likes to grow. Always ask permission before entering and weeding on private or public property.