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Preventing & Overcoming Disease Problems

Keep your plants looking good and be kind to the environment despite the risk of disease problems. 

Prevent problems by matching the plants to the growing conditions, providing proper care and giving them plenty of room to grow.  And select the most disease resistant varieties whenever possible. 

Consider using a drip irrigation system to apply the water directly to the soil when needed.  You will save water and reduce the risk of disease.

Mulch the soil around your plants. It helps to keep soil borne disease organisms in the soil and off the plants.

Remove and discard – do not compost - diseased leaves and stems as soon as they are discovered.  This is often enough to control or at least slow the spread of disease.

Remove weeds in and around the garden.  Many of these are host plants for harmful diseases that can spread to your plants.

A bit more information:  Contact your local extension service or professional if you believe a disease problem warrants control.  Start with a diagnosis, determine if control measures are needed and feasible, and what course of action should be followed.  Always look for the most eco-friendly options like plant oils, Cornell baking soda mix, Neem, or Bacillus subtilis.  Make sure the product is labeled for use on the disease and plant you are treating.