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Prevent Future Insect and Disease Problems

Take some time now to reduce insect and disease problems in next year’s garden.

Remove any insect and disease-infested plants and fruit from the garden.  These serve as overwintering sites for disease organisms and insects that can re-infest next year’s planting. 

Those battling late blight on tomatoes and potatoes must remove infested plants and fruits to prevent this fungal disease from overwintering in their garden.

Remove brush piles that provide habitat for hungry rabbits and some insects.  Pull weeds that harbor voles and serve as host of damaging insects and diseases.

Destroy, don’t compost, these and all pest infested materials.  Most of our compost piles do not reach high enough temperatures to kill overwintering insects and disease organisms.  Contact your local municipality for disposal guidelines.

A bit more information: Those battling late blight in the garden may want to apply an organic fungicide next season to prevent this disease from destroying your harvest once again.  Select a fungicide labeled to control late blight on vegetables.  And be sure to read and follow label directions carefully.