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Poor Garden Harvest

Blame it on the weather. This could be one cause for a poor garden harvest.

Late spring frosts can damage the flowers preventing pollination. Cool wet weather reduces bee activity and extremely hot dry weather can also prevent flowering or cause blossom drop and all can reduce our harvest.

But we also can be the culprit.

Overfertilization promotes lots of leaves and stems and discourages or prevents flowers and fruits. Growing plants in too much shade can also prevent flowering and fruit production.

Some plants need a male and female or two different varieties to insure pollination, fertilization and fruit production.

Don’t let all this dissuade you from growing your own produce. Just do a bit of reading and be sure to check the plant tags and seed packets when planning your garden and purchasing your plants.

And if things don’t work out – just blame it on the weather.

A bit more information:  Not sure if you have a male or female plant? Take a closer look at the flowers. Female flowers contain a swollen vase-like structure called a pistil. Male flowers have long, thin filament or pin-like structures called stamens. Some flowers are "perfect" and contain both the male and female parts.