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Peeling and Cracking Bark on Trees

Cracks on tree trunks and peeling bark may indicate there are problems with your tree’s health.

Start by examining the base of the plant. Trees with straight trunks, like a telephone pole, entering the ground are planted too deep.  Trees planted too deep and pruned with flush cuts are more subject to frost crack and sunscald. 

Deeply planted trees are also more prone to girdling roots. These circling roots place pressure on the expanding trunk and stop the flow of water and nutrients between the roots and leaves. The offending roots can be at the soil surface or several inches below ground. Look for a flattened side of the trunk, smaller leaves and earlier fall color.

Physical injury to the trunk or improper pruning cuts can also lead to frost cracks.

Contact a certified arborist in your area to make sure your tree is sound and does not create a hazard in your landscape.

A bit more information: Proper care is the best way to care for stressed trees. Make sure they are watered thoroughly as needed. Mulch the soil to suppress weeds, conserve moisture and improve the soil. Consult a certified tree care professional to evaluate the condition, and possible treatment or removal of struggling and potentially hazardous trees. Visit www.treesaregood.com for a list of certified arborist in your area. 

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