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Daffodils Fail to Bloom

No blooms on your daffodils?  It could be a couple things. 

Southern gardeners need to buy pre-cooled bulbs or grow heat tolerant minimal chill daffodils like Avalanche, Carlton, Early Louisiana and Texas Star.  Doing this will insure an impressive spring floral display.

Those gardening in the north need to monitor spring weather. A spring frost can damage the developing flower bud.  Since the immature bud looks much like a leaf, we often miss its demise.   A dry spring can also prevent, shorten or damage spring bloom.  Make sure to keep the soil moist, but not too wet during flowering.

Overcrowded bulbs and those in too much shade can also fail to bloom.  Dig, divide, and replant the bulbs at the proper spacing and location as the leaves start to fade. 

Once you determine the cause of the problem, adjust care and you will insure a beautiful bloom next spring.

A bit more information:  Double your spring flower display by planting squills or grape hyacinths with your daffodils.  Extend the bloom time by using cultivars that bloom at different times or create a nice combo by using cultivars that bloom at the same time.  Daffodils, squills and grape hyacinths require the same growing conditions and are equally assertive, making them suitable garden companions.