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Selecting Quality Grass Seed

Whether seeding a new lawn, overseeding a thin lawn or just filling bare patches, improve your results, long term success and get the best value for your dollar by investing in quality lawn seed.

Check the label for a list of grass varieties. These are listed under the general categories of say the cool season Kentucky bluegrass or warm season Bermuda grasses you are growing. Several varieties of each type of grass provides greater pest resistance.

Select a grass seed with a high germination rate. The higher the percentage the more viable seeds contained in the mix.

Purity indicates the percent of the mix that is desirable grass. This should be a high number while the weed and crop percentages should be very low. These are seeds of other non-desirable plants.

Always check the date tested. Purchase fresh seed that was tested within the last 12 months.

A bit more information:  For help finding the right grass seed for your area check your local University Extension website. North Carolina State University’s A Guide to Maintaining Quality Turf in the Landscape can help those in transition zones where cool and warm season grasses are both grown. Those in the south will find help Choosing the best grass seed with help from Southern States. And northern gardens can get help from the University of Minnesota’s Cool Season Grass Selection.