Prepare Your Lawn for Summer with Late May Fertilization
Help your lawn prepare for the stressful summer season with a late May application of a low nitrogen organic fertilizer like Milorganite.
A healthy lawn is your best defense against insects, disease and weeds. And proper fertilization is part of keeping your lawn healthy. Using the right fertilizer is critical to encourage healthy root and shoot growth without promoting excess growth that needs more frequent mowing and is more susceptible to pests and less drought tolerant. These formulations also reduce the risk of burn from over-fertilization or when hot dry weather arrives.
Slow release fertilizers feed the lawn over time. If the weather turns hot and dry, the nutrients remain intact in the soil. Once the conditions are right for the grass to grow, the nutrients will again be available to the plant when it needs them.
A bit more information: Use the holiday fertilization schedule for a healthy lawn. Northern gardeners can fertilize Memorial Day, Labor Day and sometimes between Halloween and Thanksgiving before the ground freezes. For those growing warm season grasses, fertilize Easter after the grass starts growing, Memorial Day, and Labor Day. For more on fertilization rates and schedules visit
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