Save time and energy and keep your landscape looking its best with mulch.
Mulching is one gardening technique that provides many benefits for several seasons. Organic mulches such as evergreen needles, shredded leaves, and woodchips conserve soil moisture, reduce weed problems and soil erosion while adding organic matter to the soil as they decompose.
Spread a thin layer of mulch over the soil and around existing plants. Use a 2 to 3 inch layer for coarse materials like woodchips and only an inch or two for finer materials like evergreen needles. And, be sure to keep mulch away from tree trunks and the crowns of plants to avoid rot and decline.
Avoid burying new plantings with this simple technique. Cover small plants with overturned containers and toss on the mulch. Once finished, lift off the pots, you’ll find the plants safe and your garden neatly mulched.
A bit more information: Do not use weed barrier fabrics beneath organic mulches. As the mulch breaks it creates the perfect environment for weed seeds to sprout and the surrounding grass to grow through. The fabric also prevents the valuable organic matter from reaching and improving the soil below.
And, a word of warning for dog owners. Do not use cocoa bean shells as mulch. They can be deadly for your dog.
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI
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