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Keep an Eye on the Weather and Grow a Better Garden

Be a weather watcher and grow a better garden. Weather events like spring floods, summer droughts, temperature extremes and unseasonable weather episodes can have long term impact on our plants.

Making note of these occurrences will help diagnose future problems.  And more importantly may remind you to provide a bit of TLC for plants that suffered in a previous season.

You can’t stop the flooding but you can adapt your landscape to deal with areas subject to flooding.  Select plants tolerant of seasonal flooding, create rain gardens to better manage excess water or install a French drain.

Large trees often appear to tolerate drought.  But the stress can weaken these and other plants making them more susceptible to boring insects and disease.  Monitoring rain fall will help you provide the water your plants need.

Create your own weather station with a rain gauge, snow gauge and high-low thermometer. 

A bit more information:  Check with local nature centers, botanical gardens and extension services for gardening calendars.  Many include information on significant weather events in your area.  Then add your own observations for future reference.