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How to Hire a Landscape Professional

Is your gardening “To do” list much longer than the time you have to dedicate to caring for your landscape?  Consider hiring a professional for large jobs, those that require special skills or for tasks you just don’t like to do.

Start with a call to a friend or family member, scan the yellow pages or internet or better yet start with green industry professional groups. The International Society of Arboriculture and the Professional Landcare Network have databases of members for hire that work in your community.

Professionals that spend the time and money to be involved with professional organizations like these are usually up to date on the latest trends and techniques.

Ask the company about the training and certifications of their employees. Certified professionals have undergone extensive testing and must participate in continuing education to keep their certification current.

And be sure to ask for references and proof of insurance.

A bit more information:  And when comparing bids, make sure the companies are equally qualified and providing all the same services in the bid. The cheapest bid may not give you the results you want or it could even end up costing you more in the long run.