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Garden Your Way to Better Health

Have you committed to improving your health this year?  I have good news – you can do this while planting, maintaining and harvesting homegrown nutritious food and beautiful flowers. 

You’ll work out all your major muscle groups when raking, digging and planting for an hour.  Include gardening as a major component of your workout schedule.  You’ll stretch and strengthen muscles, while promoting cardiovascular health and maintaining bone mass.  A University of Arkansas study found that yard work as well as weight training more significantly maintained bone density than aerobics, dancing or bicycling in women over 50.

And for those of us trying to lose weight, add 30 minutes of gardening to your daily or weekly routine to help shed some extra pounds.  Gardening several times a week will help keep you and your landscape looking its best. 

A bit more information:  One of the great benefits of gardening is you can double or triple your return on time invested. In just a half hour you can improve your landscape and burn 162 calories raking, 182 weeding  and a whopping 250 calories turning the compost pile. And anytime I can receive double or triple the benefit from my time and energy, the more likely I am to complete the task.
