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A New Tool for Gardeners; Plant Strengtheners

There’s a new tool to help us grow healthy, productive, and beautiful landscapes.  All natural plant strengtheners, like immunize plants against environmental stresses such as heat and drought, while building the plant’s natural defenses against insects and diseases.

Researchers discovered when some plants are stressed they produce certain molecules that help them better tolerate environmental stresses.   They isolated the molecules and applied them to other plants.  This improved the treated plants own natural defenses, much like immunizations do for us.

These products are not fertilizers that provide nutrients nor pesticides that kill the insects and diseases.  These natural products improve plant health and resilience by strengthening their resistance.

This tool can help us deal with gardening challenges we can’t control.  It also increases gardening success when busy schedules or lack of experience get in the way of providing ideal care.

A bit more information:  Proper soil preparation, plant selection, and care are critical in growing beautiful, productive and healthy plants.  As gardeners know, healthy plants are better able to tolerate environmental stress as well as insect and disease attacks.   Monitor your plants’ health throughout the growing season.  Uncovering problems early may be the difference between a little clean up and the need to treat.  And, if treatment is needed, look for the most eco-friendly products available.