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How to Grow a Money Tree

Add a money tree to your indoor garden and a bit of Feng Shui to your new year.

Money tree, Pachira aquatica is supposed to generate positive energy and bring good luck and fortune.  The five parted leaves look like those of a schefflera plant and are said to resemble green hands that capture happiness and good fortune. Several plants are often grown together and stems braided, representing stored treasure. These plants are often given as New Year’s or housewarming gifts.

Native to central and northern South America, money trees grow in freshwater swamps and alongside rivers where they can grow to 60 feet tall.

Grow money plants indoors in bright light and turn often to encourage even growth. Water thoroughly whenever the top few inches of soil are starting to dry. Pour off excess water or elevate the pot on pebbles above any water that collects in the saucer.

A bit more information: Add to your good fortune by growing your money tree in a red pot. Red symbolizes good luck in Asia. In fact, it indicates a rise in stock prices in the East Asian stock market.