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Growing Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) Indoors

Give the leaves of patchouli a pet and you’ll notice the strong fragrance often found in perfumes, candles, cosmetics and incense.  

This member of the mint family is often grown outdoors in the summer garden, year-round in zone 10 and 11 landscapes, but is just as suitable for indoor gardens.

Grow this herb indoors in bright indirect light near an east or west window or under artificial lights. Water thoroughly when the top inch of soil is just starting to dry. Avoid overly dry or waterlogged soil that can lead to the plant’s decline. Fertilize actively growing plants with a dilute solution of any houseplant fertilizer as needed.

Pinch back leggy stems above a set of leaves and remove flowers as they appear to promote more compact growth.  The stem cuttings can be rooted to start new plants.

A bit more information: Patchouli essential oil is derived from the leaves. The leaves and stems are harvested and dried. The oil is extracted from the leaves through a distillation process.