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Growing Crown of Thorns - Euphorbia milii

Place it in a sunny window and water occasionally. That’s all you need to make a Crown of Thorns succulent thrive.

Its common name was inspired by the ring of red, yellow or pink flowers that top the spine covered upright stems.

Grow Crown of Thorns in small containers filled with a cacti and succulent potting mix to encourage flowering and more compact growth. Move to a slightly larger container when the plants become potbound.

Water plants thoroughly when the top inch of soil is dry. Pour off any excess water that collects in the saucer to prevent root rot. Allow the soil to go a bit drier in winter if the plants are not actively growing, flowering, or producing leaves.

Keep Crown of Thorns out of the reach of pets and children. The milky sap can cause skin and eye irritation and if eaten, can irritate the mouth and digestive system

A bit more information: The colorful parts we call the flowers are in fact modified leaves known as bracts just like that of the poinsettia. If you look closely you will see the tiny flower in the center of each cluster of colorful bracts.