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Growing Amaryllis

Brighten those gray winter days with a few colorful amaryllis. The 6- to 10-inch trumpet shaped blossoms are sure to generate a smile and brighten your mood. And consider sharing the fun of growing these beauties by giving them as gifts to family and friends.

You can plant the bulb in a quality potting mix or go soilless with this method.  Place several inches of pebbles in the bottom of a glass vase or watertight container. Cover the pebbles with water. Set the bulb on top of the pebbles adding more stones to secure the bulb leaving the top 1/3 exposed. 

Move the potted amaryllis bulb to a sunny location and continue to keep the water level just below the bulb.

Once in bloom move your plant to a bright location out of direct sunlight and drafts of hot and cold air to prolong flowering.

A bit more information: Amaryllis is the common name for this plant and its botanical name is Hippeastrum. Amaryllis, means to sparkle while Hippeastrum is a Greek word that means horseman’s or knight’s star.