Cyclamen Gift Plant for Valentine’s Day
Red, pink, white, mini or large, plain or ruffled, cyclamen make a great Valentine gift or flowering indoor plant. Dress it up with a unique container to create a stunning display.
Plant one in a decorative tin, watering can or another fun container. Set several potted mini-cyclamen on a bed of glass pebbles in an oversized margarita glass.
Add one to a terrarium. Allow it to fill the container or combine it with a fern, wire vine and a bit of moss to create a woodland setting.
Or carefully remove the plant from the potting mix, rinse the tuber and roots and set it in a hyacinth vase designed for forcing bulbs in water. Set the swollen tuber on the elevated portion and allow the roots to dangle in the water below.
Grow your cyclamen in a cool bright location with slightly moist soil.
A bit more information: Click here for more cyclamen care tips. Once your cyclamen finishes blooming and leaves begin to yellow, either let it rest in a cool dark location or repot in fresh potting mix and wait for new growth to appear.
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