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Create a Tree of Succulents

Looking for an alternative to the traditional Christmas tree. Or maybe you just want a unique centerpiece. Create a tree of succulents to enjoy throughout the holidays and beyond.

Purchase a wire cone shaped frame.  Wrap the inside of the frame with landscape fabric.

Or make your own from chicken wire. The small openings are perfect for holding everything in place without using landscape fabric.

Soak sphagnum moss and squeeze out the excess moisture. Fill the inside of the cone with the moist sphagnum moss.

Set the frame on a decorative plate or saucer. Or place on a container filled with cacti and succulent mix. Plant a few larger succulents in the container to dress up the base of the tree.

Push roots of the plants through openings in the chicken wire or slits you made in fabric and into the moss. Fill any voids with sphagnum moss.  Top with a star.

A bit more information: No space for a succulent tree? Make a wreath of small succulents to hang on the wall. Or on the door if you live in a mild climate.