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Celebrate Daffodil Month: Daffodil Cut Flowers

Whether you grow them yourself or purchase them at a florist, celebrate Daffodil Month with a vase of cheery daffodil blooms. 

Increase your enjoyment of these spring blooms by extending their vase life.  If you are harvesting your own, pick them in the morning. Pull and twist the flower stem so it breaks off right at ground level.

Select daffodils with the flower bud just starting to show color and bent at a 90 degree angle from the stem.  Harvest those with multiple flowers per stem when one of the flowers is fully open.

Cut the bottom of the stem on an angle.  Place your daffodils in warm water with floral preservative. Move them to a cool dark location for 12 hours or overnight.

Arrange daffodils in their own vase to avoid damaging other cutflowers with their gooey sap.  Or after 24 hours in their own vase, rinse the daffodils stems and combine with other flowers.

A bit more information:  Further extend the life of daffodil and other cut flowers by using a floral preservative.  Add a few forsythia or pussy willows to your daffodil bouquets for added seasonal interest.  And those with sensitive skin may want to wear gloves to avoid irritation from this plant’s sap.