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Visit a Park and Improve Your Mood

Gather family and friends and head out to a nearby park to celebrate holidays, family events or just to relax and escape the stress of everyday life.

July was deemed National Parks and Recreation Month in the United States back in 1995.  This designation was made to help people realize the value of parks and outdoor recreation.

Recent scientific evidence shows parks and green spaces can have a big impact on our health as well as the health and vitality of our communities. 

More and more parks are looking for strategies to improve access to healthy food through community garden programs.  Many provide walking, jogging and bike paths to encourage more physical activity.

In Montgomery, Alabama the parks and recreation department provided leadership and healthful activities to help that community reduce obesity from 34% to 30.9%.

A bit more information:  When you visit a park you will find your stress and possibly blood pressure will decrease and mood will improve. Consider joining forces with your Park and Recreation Department to help improve the quality and increase the use of your community’s parks.  
