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Start a New Garden this Fall

Cool, usually drier, fall weather makes it the perfect time to start a new garden.

Start with a call to 811. This free service locates underground utilities so you can avoid costly damage and injury.

With this in mind, locate the placement, size and shape of your new garden. Use a rope or hose to outline the area. Avoid tight corners or creating narrow grass borders that will be difficult to mow or require hand trimming. Use a shovel or rent an edger to create a V-shaped trench around the garden, fill with woodchips and this will slow the infiltration of grass and weeds.

Take a soil test to determine fertilizer needs. Then eliminate any existing lawn and weeds.

Next add 2 to 4” compost, peat moss or other organic matter to the top 12 inches of soil.

Plant now or mulch the garden and plant in spring.

A bit more information: Contact your local Extension office for soil testing information. Or check the yellow pages for Certified Soil Testing Labs. They can provide directions on how to take a soil sample and where to send it for analysis.