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Leaf Activities for Kids

Get outdoors and enjoy the colors, smells and sounds of fall.  And be sure to collect a few colorful leaves along the way.

Use those leaves to create fun family projects, homemade gifts, and artwork for all to enjoy. 

Make leaf prints.  Select cloth placements, bags, tee shirts, aprons, or decorative paper.  Arrange the leaves on the item you are decorating.  Remove the leaves, roll fabric paint over the upper or lower leaf surface, and press onto the cloth item.  You may want to experiment on scrap paper first.

Or create a work of art.  All you need is a laminator or contact paper and a picture frame.  Arrange the leaves in an attractive manner or create fun animals and shapes with the leaves.  Laminate in place or carefully seal in contact paper.  Be patient as it may take a few tries with contact paper. Frame it up and you have a great gift or fall decoration.

A bit more information:  Expand your learning fun with a visit to Project Learning Tree.  This award winning environmental education program provides educational projects for teachers, parents and the community.