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Shared Border

Get rid of the fence dividing yours and your neighbors’ yards.  Instead create a beautiful garden you both can enjoy.

Increase your planting space and share the workload by joining forces with your neighbor. Work with your neighbor to create a shared garden that spans your lot line and provides mutual enjoyment.

A large bed spanning two properties makes both yards appear larger. Create a sense of unity by repeating textures and colors. Let your personalities shine with your plant selection, arrangements, and design.

Go green by sharing a compost bin.  A simple wire bin tucked amongst the garden, out of sight yet easy to access, makes being green easy for both of you.

Take this idea one step further by positioning your vegetable gardens next to each other.  You can keep your functional parts of the landscape convenient for both of you.

A bit more information: Gardeners with limited space may want to volunteer to design, plant, and tend a neighbor’s garden.  I have friends that grow their vegetables in their neighbor’s large lot.  The growing conditions are better and the neighbor has more space.  The rental fee is a portion of the harvest.  Everyone wins and eats better.