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Gardening with Your Neighbor – Shared Gardens

Get rid of the fence dividing you and your neighbors’ yard.  Instead create a beautiful garden you both can enjoy.

Work with your neighbor to create an attractive garden that spans both landscapes.  You can join forces to design, plant and maintain the garden giving both of you more time to enjoy the view.

A large bed spanning two properties also makes both yards appear larger.  Create a sense of unity by repeating textures and colors throughout.  This allows you to blend your styles and preferences, while maintaining your personality through plant selection, arrangements, and design.

And make it a green garden by including a compost bin within the bed. Use a simple wire bin tucked amongst the plants, keeping it out of sight but easy to use.

Or maintain your boundaries, but position fruit and vegetable gardens nearby.  This keeps the functional parts of your landscapes convenient yet in an appropriate space for both of you.

A bit more information: And if you lack space for all your gardening desires team up with a friend or neighbor that has too much space and not enough time or physical energy to plant and maintain their landscape.  You’ll both benefit while creating fun memories.

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