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Gardening Advice in Your Pocket: Mobile Apps

Whether you are planning, planting or tending your garden, a bit of expert advice is always helpful. Now you can take this advice to the garden center, your garden or just about anywhere you need it. And best of all, it fits in your pocket.

More and more garden related mobile apps are now available. Just visit the app store and explore the many options. Universities are providing mobile apps to help gardeners and professionals identify plant disease and insect problems. Garden companies are using apps to help gardeners plan their landscape or select plants while shopping at the garden center.

A new one for this spring is Homegrown with Bonnie Plants. It is the most comprehensive app I have found for vegetable gardening. You can access information on various vegetable varieties, search for pest problems and even create your own garden journal using the app.

A bit more information: To find out more about Homegrown with Bonnie Plants mobile app see their User's Guide or click here