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Create Your Own Green Garden Retreat

Anytime is a good time to plan for improvements in your garden. Start by reviewing your current garden design and begin planning your green retreat. Look for ways to create an outdoor space that provides peace and beauty.

Design in some quiet spaces for reading, meditation and relaxation. Those with small space or balcony gardens may need to consider multifunctional furnishings and movable dividers to accomplish this. Those with larger areas can create rooms with walls of living plants within their larger landscape.

Add a water feature to help soothe away the stress and mask noisy distractions. A wall-mounted fountain is perfect for a balcony or deck and leaky boulders and containers are easy and affordable options.

Make access easy and inviting.  Include a meandering path, frame your balcony access with indoor plants or install an arbor to highlight the entrance to your garden.

A bit more information:  Use a decorative trellis and espaliered fruit tree to create an edible and ornamental screen. Those with limited space can grow them in containers outdoors year-round. Select a variety one or two zones hardier and grow in a large weather proof pot. Those in colder regions may opt to provide additional winter protection to increase success.