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Sea Lavender (Limonium latifolia) – A Drought Tolerant Cut Flower

Add sea lavender to your list of must-have cut flowers. The light airy flowers blend nicely in any garden and the flowers are great for fresh and dried arrangements as well as craft projects. 

Sea-lavender, also known as statice and wide-leaf sea-lavender is heat, drought and salt tolerant.   It is hardy in zones 3 to 9 and grows best in full sun with well-drained soil. It can flop and need staking when grown in heavier clay soil. 

Plant it in the proper growing conditions right from the start, as it does not like to be moved.

The wide green leaves form a low mound. The light blue flowers are held high above the leaves, creating a misty look and feel in the garden.

Harvest a few stems to use in dried flower arrangements and crafts. Cut the flower stems just before the flowers are fully open. Hang upside down in a shaded airy location to dry.

A bit more information: Statice (Limonium sinuatum) has bolder flowers of rose, red, apricot, yellow, lavender and white. It grows best in full sun and is also heat and drought tolerant. Most gardeners grow it as an annual unless gardening in zones 8 to 10.