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Perennial Plant of the Year (Aralia cordata ‘SunKing’)

Add a ray of sunshine to those shady spots in the landscape with Sun King aralia. Its adaptability, low maintenance and beauty earned it the 2020 Perennial Plant of the Year title.

Also known as Golden Japanese Spikenard this shade tolerant perennial is hardy in zone 3 to 9. The leaves emerge in mid spring a bright gold and remain yellow when the plant receives at least a few hours of direct sun. In shadier spots the leaves turn chartreuse to lime green but still brighten those locations and combine nicely with hostas and woodland plants.

Plants grow at least 3 feet tall and wide.  Watch for white flowers in mid to late summer that the bees love followed by ornamental, but not edible, purplish black berries.

Use this as a specimen plant, focal point or mixed with other plants in various style gardens and borders.

A bit more information: Grow Sun King in a container to add color and a tropical flare to decks, patios and balconies.  Use a quality potting mix, container with drainage holes and keep the soil evenly moist, but not wet.