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Ornamental Grasses

Take a walk through the neighborhood or nearby botanical garden for ideas and inspiration for using ornamental grasses in your landscape. 

Hardy noninvasive ornamental grasses add motion, texture and interest to the fall and winter garden.  Many also provide food and nesting materials for birds and nectar for the butterflies.

Tall varieties make great living screens and dividers from summer through late winter.  Place them in front of evergreens and add a few ornamental shrubs for a great year round combination.

Scatter a few medium sized grasses amongst lower growing annuals or perennials for a vertical accent that gives the look and feel of a water fountain.

Add them to your perennial garden.  Use taller ones as a backdrop for your flowers.  Or combine with flowers for texture and motion.  And try weaving them throughout a planting bed as a unifying feature.

A bit more information:  Always select grasses suited to your growing conditions and climate. And make sure they are noninvasive and their mature size will fit in the available space and your landscape design.