New Heat and Drought Loving Annual Varieties
Zinnias, sunflowers and moss roses are the go to annuals for hot dry weather. Liven up the summer garden with a few new heat tolerant varieties.
A butterfly and hummingbird favorite, Verbena bonariensis, makes a great thriller in containers and addition to the flower garden. It is heat and drought tolerant and the deer tend to leave it be. It does like to reseed so be prepared to rouge out unwanted plants next season. Meteor Showers is a new cultivar with a denser growth habit that’s less seedy.
Heat, humidity and drought tolerant spider cleome is a traditional favorite. If you are tired of the smell, thorns, as well as the seedy and sticky nature check out some of the newer varieties like Senorita Blanca and Senorita Mi Amor.
Another heat tolerant butterfly and hummingbird favorite, lantana, makes a great addition to containers and the garden. Look for some of the new colors.
A bit more information: Succulents are always a good choice for containers and the garden. Their interesting forms and color allow them to fit most garden styles. Plus, there are so many creative ways to include them in your garden.
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Sept. 21, 2024
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Ixonia, WI
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