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Low Maintenance Russian Sage

Add some year round beauty to the landscape with the drought tolerant Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) that’s hardy in zones 4 to 9.

The fine foliage, blue flowers and fragrance add beauty to the landscape throughout the growing season.  Leave the plants stand for winter to increase hardiness, provide habitat for beneficial insects, while adding a bit of interest to the winter garden.

Prune plants back to 4 to 6 inches in late winter or early spring. If your plants tend to flop during the summer, you can cut them a second time. Prune the plants back halfway once they reach 12 inches tall.

Or purchase one of the compact varieties that won’t flop. Little Lace is 14 inches tall. Peek-a-blue is just over 2 feet tall, while Denim n lace is slightly taller at about 30 inches. If you want a bit more height but no flopping, try Little Spires, at 3 to 4 feet tall.

A bit more information:  Combine Russian sage with coneflower, liatris or other drought tolerant, low maintenance plants. Or use the compact varieties as a vertical accent in large containers.