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Long Blooming Low Maintenance Hellebore

Add several months of color to your late winter and early spring garden with Hellebores. These low maintenance long blooming perennials are sure to brighten any garden or mixed border.  

Hellebore species have downward facing flowers while newer varieties have been bred for showier outward facing blooms

The flowers are actually colorful sepals that may persist in the garden throughout the summer.  Remove the faded flowers to encourage new foliage.  

Plant hellebores in full or partial shade with moist well-drained soil for best results. Once established, they will tolerate dry shade. This makes them a great choice for planting beds under or near large shade trees. Be sure to provide ample moisture the first year or two as the plants become established.  Water thoroughly whenever the top few inches of soil are crumbly and moist. And mulch the surrounding soil to help keep roots cool and moist.

A bit more information:The evergreen leaves are attractive and add texture to the garden throughout the year. They may become tattered and scorch in regions with harsh winters. Keep the leaves looking their best by growing these plants in areas sheltered from winter wind or cover with snow for added insulation.