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Junior Walker Catmint

If you’ve grown Walker’s Low catmint – you know it’s not so low.  In fact, this heat and drought tolerant perennial grows 2 to 3 feet tall and wide.  If this is a problem, I have an alternative for you. 

Walker’s Low is a great plant for the low maintenance garden. The mounds of lavender blue flowers attract birds, butterflies and bees to the garden.  The attractive gray green foliage is a nice backdrop to the flowers that appear from spring through fall.  And if the plant gets floppy, a haircut midseason is all it needs.

A new introduction, Junior Walker, is about 1/3 the size of its parent, growing 18 inches tall and 30 inches wide.  It has the same good looks, drought tolerance and low maintenance qualities.  And, most importantly, it’s non-reseeding like the larger Walker Low.

A bit more information: Combine Junior Walker with roses, in containers or along walkways to better enjoy the fragrance.  Its small scale, hardiness, and long bloom time make it suitable for containers as well as in-ground gardens.