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Add Some Pizzazz with Coleus

Add a little pizzazz to your indoor or outdoor garden with a unique variety or interesting display of coleus.

You’ll find small, medium and large coleus and those that stand upright or trail. Some thrive in the sun while others prefer a bit of shade. The chartreuse leaves of Wasabi adorn a 2- to 3-foot tall plant and the large leaves of Kong are sure to attract attention. And consider a trailing variety like Strawberry Drop for hanging baskets or as a spiller in your container.

The many unique leaf shapes and color patterns can brighten a shady spot in the landscape or indoor plant collection.

Combine coleus with other annuals such as alternanthera, fuchsia, begonia, and perennials like hostas, ferns and ornamental grasses.

Try growing one of the smaller varieties like India Frills in a unique container or even an open terrarium. They make a great centerpiece for indoor or outdoor dining.

A bit more information:  Remove the spiky blue flowers that appear on coleus to encourage full compact growth. Many of the newer varieties have been bred to eliminate or minimize flower. This means you’ll have a compact plant with little or no pruning and flower removal.