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Add Dahlias to Your Garden Designs

Plant a few easy-care dahlia tuberous roots directly in your garden this spring and enjoy colorful blooms mid-summer through the first fall frost.

The early season foliage provides a nice backdrop for earlier blooming annuals and perennials. Boost their ornamental value by including a few of the burgundy leafed varieties. Then enjoy the colorful addition to the late season the blossoms provide.

Use shorter border dahlias along walkways, next to the patio or at the front edge of a flower garden. And taller varieties in the middle and back of the garden bed.

Dazzle your visitors with the many unique size and shaped flowers.  The rolled petals of the cactus type dahlias add texture to the garden, while the huge dinner plate flowers create a bold focal point.

Plant a few in your vegetable garden, so you can harvest some blossoms to dress up your table as you enjoy your evening meal.

A bit more information:  Dahlias, like sweet potatoes, are fleshy tuberous roots. New growth sprouts from the top of this thick root. Plant dahlias in a sunny to partially shaded location. Set the tuberous root deep enough so the growing point is an inch below the surface for shorter dahlias and 5 inches deep for taller varieties.

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Fall-Planted Daffodil, Tulip and Muscari Bulbs
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