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2021 AAS Winner Kelos Candela Pink Celosia

Make room in your garden for the 2021 All-America Selections regional winner Kelos Candela Pink Celosia, selected for its outstanding performance in the Northeast, Southeast, Great Lakes and Mountain Southwest. You’ll enjoy the long flower spikes and minimal care this winning variety requires.

Grow this annual beauty in full to part sun. It tolerates wind, heat, and rain. Plus, the deer tend to leave it be.

The 25 to 30” tall plants sport 10-15” pink flower spikes that hold their color all season long. It is great as a vertical accent in containers, planted en masse in flower beds, or used to fill voids and add season long color to mixed borders and perennial gardens.

Be sure to cut a few of the flowers to enjoy fresh or dried. Visit www.all-americaselections.org to find out where to purchase this and other winning varieties.

A bit more information: All-America Selections (AAS) is an independent non-profit trialing organization that has been evaluating flower and vegetable introduction since the ‘30’s.  It names only new, non-GMO varieties as AAS winners.