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2013 Year of the Wildflower

The National Garden Bureau declared 2013 Year of Wildflower.  Celebrate by including a few wildflowers in your garden. 

Some say a wildflower is a plant that was not intentionally planted nor needs cultivation to survive.  Others feel the place of origin is critical in the definition.

No matter what definition you use, these plants can add beauty to any landscape, large or small.   Plus wildflowers that originated in your location are the best source of pollen and nectar for bees, butterflies and the beneficial insects that help us grow food and keep our plants healthy

Select wildflowers that will thrive in the light, soil and other growing conditions in your garden.  Many can be started from seed.  Purchase quality seed from a local source for best results. 

A bit more information:  Many garden centers, garden catalogues and on-line sources are selling wildflowers.  Select those suited to your location.  And only buy plants from reliable sources that are not exploiting our natural areas.  Visit the National Garden Bureau’s website for more information.