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Grow a Container Garden Filled with Evergreens

Whether gardening on a balcony or an acre lot – there is always room for an evergreen. The many new dwarf varieties available make it easy for everyone, even balcony gardeners, to include evergreens in their landscape.

Start small with several trough gardens, though any weather resistant container with drainage holes will work.  These planters can be placed in the garden, set on the patio or placed on a deck. 

Fill the container with a well-drained potting mix.  Dwarf spruce makes a nice vertical accent.  The wide variety of Chamaecyparis like Gold Mops, can be used for a bit of color and texture.  And consider one of the hemlocks for those shadier locations.

Young slow growing evergreen plants won’t need transplanting for years.

You can mix up your plantings as well.  Add a stone, groundcovers like sedum, coral bells, or small scale hosta like Mouse Ears for added seasonal interest.

A bit more information:  Low troughs and small containers are often overlooked or overwhelmed by the surrounding landscape.    Increase their impact in your garden by elevating them into the line of sight.  Use a plant stand, table, old chair or other support.  Your imagination is your only limit.