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Yellow, Curling Leaves on Tomato Plants

I live in the NW corner of the Florida panhandle. I have a problem with my tomato plants. Every year they develop curly yellow leaves that die back. Eventually the whole plant dies. I have sprayed my plants with a variety of things for various diseases, but that never seems to help. I always plant in full sun. I don't water the leaves but rather soak the soil every 2 days and feed every 2-3 weeks. I basically do everything I can think of as being "right". I think I have a gremlin in my yard!

Your gremlin is probably one of the fungal diseases that attack tomatoes. You are doing all the right things in terms of care. Try reducing your fertilizer. Lush succulent growth (from all the fertilizing) is more susceptible to disease. Consider applying a slow release fertilizer to the soil at the beginning of the season. Make a second application mid season if needed. Next year plant the tomatoes in a new sunny location where tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and potatoes have not been planted for several years. Rotating your crops is a great way to reduce problems. If all this fails you may chose to use a fungicide. Copper type fungicides or others labeled for vegetables may help reduce this problem. Apply at the first sign of the disease and repeat every 10 to 14 days throughout the season. Check the label to make sure you allow enough time between the last chemical application and harvest.


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