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Winter Storage of Unplanted Daffodil Bulbs

I had to dig up my daffodils in fall and put them in a basket with dirt for winter storage until I can replant elsewhere in spring.  Do I need to leave the garage door open during the day?

I assume the bulbs are still dormant and your garage is not heated. In this case leave them in the garage. A bit of extra insulation prevents the soil temperature from dropping too far below freezing (that can turn your bulbs to mush) and warming up too soon resulting in early sprouting.  Extreme cold can damage bulbs overwintered in this manner.  Plant firm healthy bulbs outdoors as soon as the ground is workable.  If the bulbs begin to grow in the garage before severe weather has passed, you can move them indoors to enjoy.  Place them in a cool sunny window. With sufficient outdoor chilling you should have indoor blooms in about one month. Grow on as a houseplant and then move the bulbs to their permanent location outdoors once the damage of frost has passed. You may not get blossoms from the forced bulbs next year but they should give you beautiful blooms the following spring and for years to come.


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