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White Hosta

This year, I have a hosta that has grown and it is all white. I was wondering if this is common or if this is unique and something I should propagate?

Mutations and sports can result in changes in leaf and flower color and size, form or the plant’s growth habit. Some changes continue on to the next generation. In some cases the changes only get passed through to the next generation if the mutated portion is asexually, such as cuttings or tissue culture, propagated. They are often not stable and the plant loses the unique feature over time. Totally white leaved plants are a rarity since plants need the green chlorophyll to produce energy and survive. I think this is worth some space in your garden and a little time watching to see if the unique sport continues to grow and thrive. If it does and other gardeners are interested you may have a new hosta cultivar on your hands. If not, you were at the least lucky enough to have one of nature’s little surprises sprout in your garden.


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