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Violets in the Lawn

For many years, my lawn has been plagued with violets. How can I once and for all get rid of this pretty—but prolific—little flower!

A weed is just a plant out of place. Violets certainly fit this description as they easily move from the garden into and throughout the lawn. The individual clumps grow larger in diameter while the mature plants produce seeds that are catapulted away from the parents into nearby areas. Keep your lawn healthy and grass tall (2½ to 4) inches to reduce weed problems. 

Digging is the only non chemical control for this weed and sounds like it is not an option for you. You may want to try the more environmentally friendly products that have Fehedta or Hedta as the active ingredient. A couple brands with this active ingredient include Bayer Natria Lawn Weed Control, Fiesta, Gardens Alive Iron-X Selective Weed Killer for Lawns, Ortho Elementals Lawn weed Killer and Pulverize weed Killer for Lawns. Corn gluten meal has been effective at reducing weed populations by preventing the seeds from germinating. Spring and fall applications made for three years can reduce weeds by up to 80%. Though these are natural products you should still read and heed all label directions. 

Those interested in using traditional chemicals should try spot treating the weeds to minimize their use of pesticides. Try one of the broadleaf weed killers labeled for difficult weeds. Apply in mid September and again in late October if needed. It will take several years to control new seedlings that will sprout in spring. 


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