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Urine Burns in the Lawn

Is there anything to help urine burns in the lawn? I have heard you have some concoction of dish soap and beer ... or something like that.

Urine burns are just a type of fertilizer burn. Diluting the salts from the urine will reduce the damage to the lawn. This is done by watering the area soon after the dog makes her deposit. Unfortunately it is not too practical to follow the dog around the yard with a sprinkling can. There are some commercially available products on the market. I have not heard or read any research that shows they are much more effective than water. The same holds true for the homemade concoctions. In fact some of these concoctions can increase the damage. Some owners have mulched portions of their landscape around trees and shrubs and trained the dog to use these areas. Mulch is good for the plants and won't be damaged by dog urine.


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